Joyful, Consistent, Intentional

For the past two weeks, I have opted to redirect my efforts from diving into my new online business and shift my focus toward strengthening my time management skills and my schedule. I have just completed Lesson 9 of Ruth Soukup’s “Tame Your Time” course, which promises to help you “Get More Done, Create Space in Your Schedule, and Design the Life You Want”. You can find it at; I highly recommend it to you as an effective starting point in refocusing your efforts at making forward progress to reframe your life and become the person you are destined to be.

The final assignment (yes, there are assignments, and you will begin to see changes in your outlook and your practice if you actually complete them) is to create a personal manifesto based on the revelations which become apparent as you sort out the issues in your life which have been holding you back from letting go of the guilt and perfectionist mindset that have prevented you from pursuing your best life. 

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I took the challenge, and after working through the preparatory exercises, wrote out what for me is bringing into clear focus not only the personal traps I have continually set for myself, but also the commitment I have made in charting a different course for my future.

I share it with you, in hopes that it might inspire you to stop ambushing your life, consider how YOU can change your own self-talk, and determine to make your days count more joyfully, more consistently, more intentionally, than you thought possible.

My 180 Manifesto

This day, I choose to believe that being the best woman, wife, mother, friend I can be requires that I “show up” for my own life.  I will stop waiting for another tomorrow to become one more yesterday I didn’t spend living large and loving greatly.

I choose to believe that God’s plan for me has always included using the gifts, abilities and talents He has given me to glorify Him by helping others with those gifts.

I choose to believe that perfectionism and people-pleasing lead down the treacherous path to life-paralysis and heartbreak; therefore, I choose to live from this day forward a Juicy, Creative, Imaginative, JOYFUL life by taking new risks, doing hard things, trusting the wisdom of those He has so graciously placed in my path, and going after my Big Goals with surety and determination.

I choose to stop believing the lie that my work, my words, my life, are less valuable or important than those of others – in my family, or in my other relationships.

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I choose to give myself permission to be imperfect, to let unessential busyness go, to take shortcuts if necessary so that I can succeed in moving boldly forward toward my goals.

I choose to stop the “pity-party” of feeling “left out” when friends or family engage in get-togethers, activities, or even conversations and I am neither privy nor invited – whether by intention, necessity, location, or purpose. I choose to realize that I am not being left out; I am simply part of a different conversational universe…and it’s okay.

I choose satisfaction with my place, my purpose, and my productivity.  I will close the door on frustration over the lack of response from others to my own “felt needs”.  If I need help, I will choose the freedom of asking for – even requiring — assistance in accomplishing daily tasks.

I choose to stop expecting perfection from other people and other relationships.  I will ACCEPT love, joy, and support however feeble it appears, and I will OFFER love, joy, and support energetically, as often as I can, with no expectation of any return.

I choose to be proactive instead of reactive; I will give others the benefit of the doubt, and refuse to make assumptions about their intent. I will plan ahead, and accomplish my tasks before their deadlines.  I will pay attention to the road signs along my journey and identify traffic changes before they impede my forward progress. I will determine and work through thoughtful strategies for tackling problems.

I will give myself grace when I don’t meet my own expectations, and I will give the same grace to others.  I will use my disappointment as a mounting block to saddle up the challenge and go boldly forward.  Every breakdown leads to a breakthrough; I will tenaciously pursue my journey, even when things are hard.

I will strive to be a strong leader, a compassionate advocate, and a bold example of life lived imperfectly yet fruitfully, joyously, and inclusively, for my family, my friends, and my Writerly You tribe.

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